follow my story, or leave it all behind.

en höstdikt - på engelska

Kategori: Allmänt

JA, jag vet att jag suger på att skriva dikter, men that's life darling.
Oftast, som min kurator säger, är det bättre att sätta smärtan i ord istället för på sin egen kropp, so here we goes Shakespeare!
While the autumn comes
she picks up a
razor blade, and
puts it against
her skin, and
she's slowly
killing herself
He's watching
her, growing
more and more
distant for every day
and when she
threats to kill
herself, he says
"Cut me. Cut me as
I was your arm."
and then she knew
that time,
and the world
won't just stop just
because she takes her
life. The world
keeps on going,
and the autumn is here,
Close to her end
Watch her fall, dear autumn
and watch her being
buried in the fallen snow
The snow is falling down
the sky, just as she did
before the autumn came and took
her away from the
seasons, the years,
and the life of her loved
DETTA ÄR NOG DEN SÄMSTA DIKTEN JAG HAR SKRIVIT. >____< gud help me. kill me slowly liksom.


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